Snapshot SH-22.509A

The ground trembles! Introducing Snapshot SH-22.509A, whichs adds the ability to move villagers and buildings with a brand new cursor.


  • Introduced "the dope village". The dope village is the first of its kind, being prefabricated and, for now, accessible pressing "Shift + D".
  • Added a cursor to the game, which displays its position when in debug mode.
  • Buildings and villagers can be dragged! Click on any DrawType and drag it across the map!
  • Reworked the time system, which now uses counters as opposed to angles. Full day duration is now set to 12 minutes.


  • Nights have been made less dark.
  • Introduced central sprite management with Sprite Lists, a new structure which unifies separate sprites from buildings (5) and animated buildings (1). These changes should be noticed when randomizing villages.
  • Adjusted the interface so the sun / moon displays accordingly to 'realDay'.
  • Adjusted pentivm alarms to work using dynamic FPS, instead of 'current FPS.'


That's all for now! Stay tuned to receive new features and updates!

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